During this web event, DAU professors will introduce DAU's new "SySML Immersion Workshop" and Digital Acquisition Enterprise Ecosystem. This new Digital Acquisition Workshop is for cross-functional teams, not just engineers. These efforts are part of DAU's ongoing initiative to expand Digital Acquisition training for the workforce to include workshops and additional Digital Engineering credentials.
The SysML Immersion Workshop is designed to train all functional areas (including program managers, logisticians, test & evaluation, contracting, finance, and engineering and technical managers) on the fundamentals of MBSE and how to use SysML models to access and visualize information key to acquisition success. Participants will have hands-on experience using Cameo models on virtual machines in the DAU Digital Acquisition Enterprise Ecosystem.
Dr. James Roche, Professor of Systems Engineering
Troy Snow, Professor of Systems Engineering
Brian D. Kozola, Professor of Systems Engineering
Bryan Wilson, Professor of Systems Engineering