Speakers: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management and Comptroller, Navy Center for Cost Analysis – (OFM&C, NCCA) - Mr. Jay Bottelson and Mr. Mario Solano
The briefing will presented by the Navy Center for Cost Analysis which will hi-light the web-enabled management information system called the Visibility and Management of Operating & Support Costs (VAMOSC). The VAMOSC system collects and reports historical Navy and USMC Operating and Support (O&S) costs on an annual basis. Of not, VAMOSC collects and report on over $98B annual weapon system specific costs including DON Personnel ; approximately 130 financial and non-financial data sources; over 1200 O&S cost and non-cost elements for weapons systems. It also reports on direct and linked indirect costs in Then-Year and Constant Year dollars. This briefing is the same briefing given to students in the Defense Acquisition University's BCF215, Operating and Support Cost (O&S) and will provide a good overview on the information available for cost estimating purposes and the system capabilities of VAMOSC.
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