Software-enabled capabilities have unique technical properties that enable quick response to changing threats. Recognizing this, OSD is leading a set of inter-related initiatives to develop policy, guidance, training, and enterprise resources that will transform the way the Department acquires and deploys software. The Software Pathway (SWP) enables the DoD to acquire software with modern software development practices and deliver performance at the speed of relevance in support of the National Defense Strategy. It promotes and streamlines adoption of Agile, Lean, DevSecOps, and human-centered design practices within defense acquisition using 21st century processes.
Sean Brady, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Enablers, is back with us to discuss the new changes to the Department of Defense policy for "Operation of the Software Acquisition Pathway", DoDI 5000.87. The changes will be hot off the press so you don’t want to miss this webinar. The session will include an opportunity for attendees to ask Sean questions about the policy changes and how they will impact pathway implementation.