Mr Ben Fitzgerald of OUSD (A&S) interviews Dr Will Roper, ASAF (AT&L) and Dr Bruce Jette, ASA(ALT) on benefits of authority in Sec 804 of 2016 NDAA. This first of 8 topical clips from the full length interview captures thoughts on a how a streamlined, focused program strategy can increase speed to market while working off risk in a disciplined way. Discusses how you can use Sec 804 to shorten the acquisition cycle and go quickly yet be disciplined. Must manage risk well up front to prevent working on the wrong things in the wrong phase. Else you'll get a program out of balance if you don't understand the cost and you'll risk running out of money if you didn't prioritize it across the things that matter. Accelerating programs, using Sec 804 authority, can also put the reins back in the program manager's hands.