In this episode of Contracting Conversations, it's our last segment, part 4, of our series on Personal Services, Jim and Scott continue the conversation with Dr. Steve Fasko, a Personal Services expert (PHD Dissertation was focused on Personal Services Contracting - see links to his articles below) with DAU. In Part 1, Dr. Fasko provided an overview of Personal Services, in Part 2, he discussed the Thirteenth Amendment and how it relates to Personal Services Contracts, and in Part 3 he talked about Government Dependence on Contractors, to include Circular A-76, contractor employee recognition, and more. In Part 4,, Dr. Fasko discusses the Government's responsibility, direct supervision of contract employees, personal relationships with contractor employees, and preventing defacto person services contracts. We hope you enjoyed the series, please let your CORs know this exists, it will be a big benefit for them since they engage with service contractors regularly and hopefully this series will help them avoid the pitfalls of being a COR and defacto personal services. If you would like to reach out to Dr Fasko for more information, please contact him at - he is available for workshops, seminars, and consulting on personal services and other topics.
These links are recommended for further information:
Personal Services: Is it Time to Lift the Ban? Physician Personal Services Contract Enforceability: The Influence of the Thirteenth Amendment. Report: DoD's Increased Reliance on Service Contractors Exacerbates Long-Standing Challenges: 222 - Contracting Officer Representative Course (COR 222 is the instructor led course): Contracting Community of Practice: If you are watching this video on DAU Media, but rather watch on YouTube, go to Podcast: