JCIDS policy changes on Building Exportability into DoD systems and equipment This DAU Lunch and Learn Webinar will focus on recent developments in the DoD International Acquisition and Exportability area including topics such as: IA&E in the National Security Strategy (NSS) & National Defense Strategy (NDS)
* White House Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) Policy implementation activities White House – Congressional disagreements over Arms Export to the Middle East. National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) impact on Foreign Military Sales (FM/. Who should attend: DoD acquisition workforce personnel in all career fields who are involved in the planning and implementation of IA&E programs/activities; DoD Requirements Management personnel involved JCIDS decision making on allied interoperability and building exportability into U.S. systems; and USG/DoD Security Cooperation personnel, industry, and support contractors involved in Foreign Military Sales and Direct Commercial Sales of U.S. defense articles and services."Frank’s Bio: Frank Kenlon is a Professor of International Acquisition (Intermittent) at DAU’s Defense Systems Management College – International Center (DSMC-I), Fort Belvoir, VA. He began working for the Navy as an acquisition professional in April 1980 and retired from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (AT&L)/International Cooperation organization in January 2013 as a member of the Senior Executive Service. He spent the second half of his DoD acquisition career working in the IA&E area, negotiating international cooperative program agreements, formulating U.S. Government technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) and export control policies, and engaging with US allies and friends around the world to establish and expand DoD’s international acquisition relationships.