Technical Analysis of Cost Elements: This video describes the differences between the analyses conducted by DCMA Price/Cost Analysts and Technical Specialists.
Department / Directorate
College of Contract Management Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
CMI iCatalog Course ID
CMI 130
Procedures for conducting random sampling of contractor proposed costs for statistical analysis.
Department / Directorate
College of Contract Management Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
CMI iCatalog Course ID
CMI 130 ICatalog Course ID-2
CMI 1300
Techniques for Developing the Cost Model for Cost and Pricing Analysis.
Department / Directorate
College of Contract Management Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
CMI iCatalog Course ID
CMI 130 ICatalog Course ID-2
CMI 1300
The CMI 130 Proposal Adequacy video discusses the use of the DCMA Proposal Adequacy Checklist in determining whether a contractor's proposal is adequate to proceed for review or must be returned…
Department / Directorate
College of Contract Management Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
CMI iCatalog Course ID
CMI 130
DCMA Proposal Analysis Techniques
Department / Directorate
College of Contract Management Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
CMI iCatalog Course ID
CMI 130 ICatalog Course ID-2
CMI 1300