Search for tag: "bcf230"

Multivariate Model Selection

The down selection process is useful for working quickly through a data set that may have a number of explanatory independent variables. By starting with the "full" model that has all…

From  Keith Bare 0 likes 33 plays 0  

How to use the flat multivariate tool

This is a basic "how to" video that walks through the mechanics of using the multivariate tab in the Flat Regression Tool (in Excel). This is just the simple mechanics of using the tool to…

From  Keith Bare 1 likes 41 plays 0  

Learning Curve (Tab 11 of Cost Analysis Spreadsheet Toolbox)

Page 11 of the Cost Analyst Spreadsheet: Discussion of Unit Learning Theory and Cumulative Average Learning Theory Topic …

From  Misty Dunn 0 likes 119 plays 0  

Regression using the Data Analysis Toolpak in Excel

This is a very rapid review of doing both linear and power regressions using Excel's Data Analysis ToolPak. It is at a very rapid pace and explains those features that are of most interest in…

From  Aaron Thomas 2 likes 390 plays 0  

Calculating a Weighted Index (page 9 of Cost Analysis Spreadsheet Toolbox)

Explanation of how to calculate weighted index using the Air Force, Navy and Army methods.

From  Misty Dunn 0 likes 106 plays 0  

Basic Costat Regression Part 3 - Multivariate Exponential Model Regression

This video is intended as a refresher/review for students using the Tecolote Research's Co$tat tool as part of the BCF204 and BCF302 curriculum. In Part 3, we start with a dataset and walk…

From  Keith Bare 0 likes 96 plays 0