Version 5 (30Jul2022) - Dr. Matt Kennedy, describes the basics of Agile Acquisition in a Federal Government environment. He defines Agile Acquisition. Under Agile Acquisition, we provide a more…
Department / Directorate
Production Coordination and Optimization Directorate Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
ACQ iCatalog Course ID
ACQ 1700 ICatalog Course ID-2
TST 204 ICatalog CourseID-3
ENG 202
Version 5 (30Jul2022) - Dr. Matt Kennedy, describes the basics of Agile Acquisition in a Federal Government environment. He defines Agile Acquisition. Under Agile Acquisition, we provide a more…
Department / Directorate
Production Coordination and Optimization Directorate Media Deployment
Teams iCatalog Course Area
ISA iCatalog Course ID
ISA 201 ICatalog Course ID-2
LOG 3500V
We speak with Brenda Enders, author of The Manager's Guide to Mobile Learning. We start with a working definition for mobile learning and discuss the challenges that managers and teams face in…
Department / Directorate
Production Coordination and Optimization Directorate Media Deployment
Public iCatalog Course Area
Not Applicable iCatalog Course ID
Non Course Related