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10 Intro to Risk, Issue and Opportunity (RIO) Management - Gen Hyten

In this video General Hyten discusses the need to insert speed in everything we do and how properly taking risks and delegating risk is important in achieving speed. Reprinted, by permission, from…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,514 plays 0  

09 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Wrap Up

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we do a wrap up of the content previously covered and offers some valuable…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,319 plays 0  

00 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Introduction

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video the instructor Mr. Andrew Sheves introduces himself and discusses the…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,909 plays 0  

08 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Opportunity Management

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we will look at the Opportunity Management process and how it can benefit…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,240 plays 0  

06 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Risk Process

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we look at the risk process as a whole and what things constitute a typical…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,621 plays 0  

04 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Risk Mitigation

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we look at the different mitigation strategies used to decrease likelihood…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,619 plays 0  

02 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Risk Identification

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we will look at what constitutes a risk and where do risks reside in a…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 2,123 plays 0  

07 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management – Issue Management

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we look at Issue Management and how it differs from the risk management…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,257 plays 0  

03 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management - Risk Analysis

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we look at the risk analysis part of the process and learn how to determine…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,830 plays 0  

01 Intro to Risk, Issue and Opportunity (RIO) Management - Risk & Risk Management Intro

This is one of 10 video modules covering DoD’s Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) management process. In this video we will give an overview of the DoD RIO Guide and discuss the importance of…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 2,536 plays 0  

05 Intro to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity (RIO) Management - Risk Monitoring

This is the 5th video module of 10 video modules covering DoD's Risk, Issue, and Opportunity management process. In this video, we look at risk monitoring, the process we use to track and check…

From  Donald Goddard 0 likes 1,551 plays 0