Test and Evaluation

T&E is a critical part of the DoD acquisition process. T&E professionals develop, optimize, execute and evaluate the testing of system performance, interoperability, reliability, maintainability and cybersecurity. They offer unbiased information to support and inform design improvements, production and fielding.

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 Public, Restricted and Moderated
52 Media
8 Members
T&E is a critical part of the DoD acquisition process. T&E professionals develop, optimize, execute and evaluate the testing of system performance, interoperability, reliability, maintainability and cybersecurity. They offer unbiased information to support and inform design improvements, production and fielding.

Click the Person Icon in the top, right-hand corner to LOG IN and SUBSCRIBE to this channel to be notified when videos are added.
T&E is a critical part of the DoD acquisition process. T&E professionals develop, optimize, execute and evaluate the testing of system performance, interoperability, reliability, maintainability and cybersecurity. They offer unbiased information to support and inform design improvements, production and fielding.

Click the Person Icon in the top, right-hand corner to LOG IN and SUBSCRIBE to this channel to be notified when videos are added.

 Public, Restricted and Moderated

52 Media
8 Members
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Functional Areas