Industrial & Contract Property Management

This career field includes the industrial property management specialist, property administrator, industrial plant clearance specialist, plant clearance officer, and contract and industrial specialists (if assigned contract property management responsibilities). Individuals in this career field perform Government contract property oversight and surveillance of life-cycle processes and their commensurate outcomes for Government-owned property in the possession of contractors and, in some instances, Government-owned contractor-operated plants.

Click HERE for CIND 001 Industrial Contract Property Management Credential

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 Public, Restricted and Moderated
34 Media
8 Members
This career field includes the industrial property management specialist, property administrator, industrial plant clearance specialist, plant clearance officer, and contract and industrial specialists (if assigned contract property management responsibilities). Individuals in this career field perform Government contract property oversight and surveillance of life-cycle processes and their commensurate outcomes for Government-owned property in the possession of contractors and, in some instances, Government-owned contractor-operated plants.

Click HERE for CIND 001 Industrial Contract Property Management Credential

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This career field includes the industrial property management specialist, property administrator, industrial plant clearance specialist, plant clearance officer, and contract and industrial specialists (if assigned contract property management responsibilities). Individuals in this career field perform Government contract property oversight and surveillance of life-cycle processes and their commensurate outcomes for Government-owned property in the possession of contractors and, in some instances, Government-owned contractor-operated plants.

Click HERE for CIND 001 Industrial Contract Property Management Credential

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 Public, Restricted and Moderated

34 Media
8 Members
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