The Single Appropriation Pilot for Software and Digital Technology, Budget Activity 8 (BA 8), builds upon DoD initiatives to align acquisition processes to national security imperatives and the evolving technological and adversarial environment. The creators of BA 8 sought to explore ways to learn more about the how the appropriations-focused recommendations from the May 2019 Defense Innovation Board Software Acquisitions and Practices study: Software is Never Done might be implemented. BA 8 within the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation functions as a single appropriation to consolidate a software program’s funds from their Procurement, RDT&E, and Operations & Maintenance funding lines, with statutory language that permits use of BA-8 for the associated purposes.
There are currently sixteen (16) programs approved by Congress in the pilot. Congress did not approve any of the additional pilots that DoD requested in FY22 or FY23, and has encouraged the Secretary not to submit any additional pilots in the future until the Department has demonstrated improved quantitative data collection.
Come join us to learn about the status of the Software Color of Money pilot and what the data shows about the use of a single appropriation to help a program address challenges.
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