The Navy’s Forge Software Factory hosts teams from the defense industry, small business, government, and academia to quickly solve the Navy’s problems and outfit sailors with new and more lethal capabilities through rapid software development, certification, testing, and fielding.
The Forge Software Lead will be joining us to discuss how their team successfully implemented strategies to create a dynamic and competitive atmosphere that drives excellence and innovation. Discover how to create a healthy business environment for your Agile program via continuous competition, including an overview of modular, capacity-based acquisition best practices. Gain insights into transitioning from legacy environments to program-owned pipelines and explore a comprehensive playbook that outlines the steps for a successful migration, including potential roadblocks and how to overcome them.
Join us for an engaging and insightful webinar where we delve into the essentials of fostering a thriving environment for your Agile program. This session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to enhance your Agile practices through continuous competition and innovative acquisition strategies.