Search for tag: "aerospace & defence"

Industry Perspective with Collins Aerospace Commercial Item Determinations and Pricing 8.3.21

Join DAU for an intriguing look at commercial industry perspectives in addressing the defense customer's needs. Collins Aerospace, one of the largest suppliers to the world aerospace and defense…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 369 plays 0  

CLM 049 DRUYUN 60 Min

This is a clip from 60 Minutes that highlighted procurement fraud by a government executive, Darleen Druyun. This file will be inserted into CLM049, Procurement Fraud Indicators, as part of the…

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From  Ernest Fagan 1 likes 1,978 plays 0  

Additive Manufacturing Lesson 5.3

In this lecture we focus on the common uses to which AM is put along path II for our three key industries. We recognize that these applications are relatively less common than those found on path I.…

From  Karla Oconnor 0 likes 75 plays 0  

Tomasini: F22 Proven Practices

Mission Assistance effort, led by DSMC Faculty member Roberta Tomasini, in support of the F-22 Program Office in the Spring of 2012. F-22 (Raptor) Program Earned Value Quick Look Assessment…

From  Donna Seligman 0 likes 126 plays 0