Search for tag: "contract work"

GAO Highlights - Service Contract Efficiencies

Services performed by contractors, such as administrative and technical support, account for about half of the Department of Defense’s contract obligations. GAO provides Congress and federal…

From  Shawna Campbell 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Putting It All Together (Reading a Program Schedule)

The sixth of six videos in the Reading a Program Schedule series. Describes a simple process to breakdown and understand any program schedule, even if it contains thousands of tasks.

From  Chad Reynolds 0 likes 733 plays 0  

Acquisition Rulemaking 101

This short video provides an overview of the acquisition rule making process, specific to the Department of Defense. The process often begins with new statutory language, such as an annual National…

From  Ryan Johnson 0 likes 330 plays 0  


Explanation of the variances used in Earned Value Management (EVM) and how they are calculated.

From  Matthew Haight 1 likes 546 plays 0  

2. CMC233 FPRA VC2

Second video in VC of CMC233. Describes current emphasis on indirect rates and FPRA at DCMA.

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 239 plays 0  

CMC233 Virtual Component Video 1

Introduction to FPRP Terms and Definitions.

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 96 plays 0  

Applying Earned Value Management (EVM) to Contracts

Applying Earned Value Management (EVM) to Contracts from EVM101.

From  Matthew Haight 2 likes 3,036 plays 0  

Program Management: Contract Types

Discussion by Professor Gary Hagan concerning the significance of choosing the appropriate contract type related to Systems Acquisition.

From  Media Archive 0 likes 239 plays 0  

CTEC 210 File

Place holder video in support of Contract Audit Follow Up, CMC210 development.

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 70 plays 0  


The objective of this lesson is to provide an overview of the policy, conditions, and process for alternative release procedures for the DCMA quality assurance workforce personnel.

From  Fred Stein 1 likes 936 plays 1  

CME230 Shop Floor Control

ELO 4.1.2 Interpret how the supplier exercises priority control over the ordering queues. ELO 4.1.3 Interpret how the supplier is ensuring their build plans are being followed. ELO 4.1.4 Identify the…

From  Shannon Minnich 0 likes 45 plays 0  

Indirect Cost, Rates, and Distortion

Indirect Cost typically make up the preponderance of what the DoD pays their contractors. Using illustrated examples, Robert (Bob) Williams, Professor of Contract Cost, Price, and Finance reveals the…

From  Matthew Haight 3 likes 331 plays 0  

F-35 JSF Performance Based Logistics (PBL)

PBL was a key fundamental component of the support strategy for this weapons systems. Does PBL really work? PBLs come in many different forms, some are good and some are bad.

From  Shawn Harrison 0 likes 94 plays 0  

Protecting the DoD's Unclassified Information -- Defining the Landscape

The threats facing the DoD's unclassified information have dramatically increased as we provide more services online, digitally store data, and rely on contractors for a variety of information…

From  Shelton Jewette 0 likes 109 plays 1  

Source Selection Procedures 04.01.16

This DAU Lunch n Learn video discusses DoD Source Selection Procedures based on new procedures dated April 1, 2016. It covers the following topics: Applicability New competitive acquisition strategy…

From  David Riel 2 likes 735 plays 0  

Tomasini: F22 Proven Practices

Mission Assistance effort, led by DSMC Faculty member Roberta Tomasini, in support of the F-22 Program Office in the Spring of 2012. F-22 (Raptor) Program Earned Value Quick Look Assessment…

From  Donna Seligman 0 likes 124 plays 0