Search for tag: "connect live"

CONnect Live! - 20240822

CONnect Live! - 20240822

From  Kenneth Carkhuff 0 likes 30 plays 0  

CONnect Live! - Certification Course Update - 20240418

CONnect Live! Special EditionIn this week’s CONnect Live, DAU is pleased to present an overview of upcoming changes to the contracting certification courses. CON 1100 Contract Foundational…

From  Amy Timmermann 0 likes 219 plays 0  

CONnect Live - Weekly Contracting Professional Collaboration Webinar

In this episode of Contracting Conversations, Scott and Jim talk about a relatively new platform called CONnect Live and what a great resource this can be for the 1102s out there. Contracting can be…

From  James Valley 0 likes 50 plays 0