Search for tag: "dib"

Adaptive Acquisition Framework: Software Authority to Operate

Authority to Operate Reciprocity between Programs, Services and Agencies. Moderator: Dr. Jeff Boleng, Senior Advisor for Software Acquisition Roundtable. Panelists: Mr. Leo Garciga, U.S. Army,…

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From  Sam Parks 0 likes 128 plays 0  

Adaptive Acquisition Framework: Software Workforce Training and Development

The new Adaptive Acquisition Framework provides DoD program offices with additional flexibility and will help speed up the delivery of new capabilities to Warfighter. However, it can only be…

From  Sam Parks 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Adaptive Acquisition Framework: Software Pathway Round Table

In this round table discussion, senior DoD leaders and experts from the field discuss the interim software policy that is part of the new Adaptive Acquisition Framework. Based largely on the SWAP…

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From  Sam Parks 1 likes 115 plays 1  

Changing Software Acquisition in DoD - Roundtable with the Defense Innovation Board

(Changing DoD's Software Acquisition Strategy, Workforce, Culture, and Metrics- A roundtable discussion with members of the Defense Innovation Board hosted by Dr. Jeff Boleng, Office of the…

From  Robert Skertic 1 likes 530 plays 2