Search for tag: "doodles"

CPARS Ratings and Narratives

The Ratings video provides the definition for use when assigning a rating to the contractor's performance within the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). This video is…

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From  Edward Needens 0 likes 1,152 plays 0  

Dollar Thresholds for CPARS

Dollar Threshold provides guidance on the thresholds for services and non-services that trigger the requirement for collecting contractor performance in the Contractor Performance Assessment…

From  Edward Needens 1 likes 1,798 plays 0  

CPARS Contract Effort Description

Contract Effort Description provides guidance on how to properly write a contract effort description in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). This video is best viewed in…

+6 More
From  Edward Needens 0 likes 959 plays 0  

CPARS Roles and Responsibilities

This short on-demand training video explains the responsibilities assigned within the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS).

+6 More
From  Edward Needens 1 likes 1,887 plays 0  

Source Selection Plan (no audio/CC)

This 5-minute video discusses the elements of the source selection plan and how it relates to the resultant contract.

+3 More
From  Harold Mcalduff 0 likes 1,395 plays 0  

Defective Pricing

This approximately 5.30 minute video depicting an interview panel with questions focused on defective pricing.

From  Diane Bublak 2 likes 477 plays 0  

5. Cost or Pricing Data

What is cost or Pricing Data? This 3-minute provides the definition of cost or pricing data and examples to support the definition. NOTE: media updated on 10/26/2020

From  Jason Ackiss 0 likes 4,025 plays 0  

More FAR citations (R)

Replacement Video More FAR citations (R)

From  Diane Bublak 0 likes 268 plays 0  

FAR citation and parts (R) (no audio/CC)

This doodle video explains how to cite the FAR and DFARS and details the FAR parts.

From  Harold Mcalduff 0 likes 1,215 plays 0  

Contract Line Item Numbers (R) (no audio/CC)

This doodle video explains the CLINs and SLINs structure as outlined in the DFARS PGI.

From  Diane Bublak 1 likes 211 plays 0  

What is the FAR mantra?

This doodle video details the procedures to follow the FAR mantra as taught in CON 091.

From  Diane Bublak 0 likes 1,466 plays 0  

Contract Closeout (no audio/CC)

This doodle video details the contract closeout process and provides references for more information.

From  Edward Needens 3 likes 13,051 plays 4  

Proper citation writing (no audio/CC)

This doodle video details the proper method of citing the FAR and DFARS.

From  Diane Bublak 0 likes 1,468 plays 0