Paul "Smitty" Smith, DAU-S Professor of Life
Cycle Logistics, provided a top-level trace of how the updated LCSP V3.0 aligns
with updated statutes, policy, and the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF)
changes since 2017. Mr. Smith emphasized
key take aways to include: intent of all LCSPs is they are tailorable to each
program and AAF pathway, importance of critical thinking, importance of LCSPs
to acquire and support systems that provide affordable readiness, Life Cycle
Logisticians need to be involved in the acquisition process up front and early
and, the need for the LCSP to be reviewed and updated throughout the life cycle
to meet Warfighter supportability requirements.
DAU-S Processor of Logistics Robert "Bob" Hannah curated the
discussion and question and answer session, reinforcing the criticality of
Product Support and the LCSP.