Understanding Industry / Segment 6
DAU President Jim Woolsey and VADM Joe Dyer (retired) share perspectives on OTA and FAR contracts as well as the need for advance communications with
industry contractors. Finally, they address some areas where government sometimes makes it more challenging for
industry to bid on government contracts.
About the Series:
DAU President Jim Woolsey and VADM Joe Dyer (retired) discuss challenges facing our acquisition workforce today. With heightened urgency to improve the factors of speed, cost, innovation and lethality, it is imperative that we understand our industry partners more deeply and foster win/win relationships that redound to these better outcomes.
The six-part series spans the following topics:
1. Understanding Industry
2. Industry Perspective: Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships in Acquisition
3. Acquisition: Speed Balanced with Excecution and Strategy
4. Industry Motivation, Incentives and Trust
5. Intellectual Property and Rights Management
>>>>6. Other Transaction Authority (OTA) and Federal Acquistion Regulation (FAR) Contracts