Search for tag: "aircraft operations"

Quarterly Aircraft Operations Performance Support Webinar -20230502_090916-Meeting Recording

FY23, Q3 webinar conducted 2 MAy, 2023 090-1100 EDT.

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From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 25 plays 0  

6B. CMA241V, L06, Part 02, Mishap Response Plans

This learning asset describes the contractor's Mishap Response Plan

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 921 plays 0  

6A. CMA241V, L06, Part 01, Mishap Prevention Program

This narrated video describes the Contractor's mishap prevention program.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 1,062 plays 0  

CMA241, GFRC, Definitions

This learning asset describes the definitions defined within DAFRS 252.228-7001, Ground and Flight Risk clause. Definitions are required in order to properly define the depth and breadth of…

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From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 75 plays 0  

7B. CMA241V, Lesson 7, Part 2, Surveys

CMA 241V Module 6 Lesson 2 Surveys. Describes the purpose of a survey, pre-survey actions, conducting the survey, and post survey actions.

From  Ronald Tann 1 likes 1,498 plays 0  

7A. CMA241V, Lesson 7, Part 1, Surveillance

CMA 241V Module 6 Lesson 1 Surveillance. Surveillance planning set up, schedule, trigger points, data collection and daily operations

From  Ronald Tann 1 likes 1,807 plays 0  

CMA241V, Lesson 4, Ground Ops Part 2

CMA 241V Module 4 Ground Operations Part 2. Description of Ground Operations from Engine Operations to HAZMAT

From  Ronald Tann 1 likes 952 plays 0  

6C. CMA241V, L06, Part 03, ARFF and Facilities

This Lesson describes the basic requirements for ARFF and Facilities Firefighting IAW DCMA INST 8210.1 and NAS 3306.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 1,292 plays 0  

How to in BB for CMA241V

Video describes where inportant information and documents you'll need for CMA241V can be found. This also demonstrates the manner in which assignments are submitted.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 414 plays 0  

DCMA Director talks aviation safety

Rear Admiral David Lewis discusses Aviation safety.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 83 plays 0  

HQ DCMA AO Executive Director talks aviation safety

CAPT Ryan Batcholar introduction to the DCMA GFR and GGR Course.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 89 plays 0  

4B. CMA241V, Lesson 4, Flight Request Approval

This video describes the process of approving a Contractor's flight request.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 1,720 plays 0  

4A. CMA241V, Lesson 4, Crewmember Approval

This video describes the process of approving a contractor crewmember candidate to enter into the contractor's aircrew training program.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 2,780 plays 0  

KAOS Corporation

Instructional tool

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Aircraft Operations Performance Support Webinar-August 2017

Major topics of discussion were COCO aircraft, PAO vs. CAO, the new AO Community of Practice, Contractor's care, control or custody or aircraft, and FY 2018 AO training.

From  Ronald Tann 0 likes 83 plays 0  

Accepting Risk

This video explains the 'slippery slope' often encountered when inadvertently accepting risk.

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From  Ronald Tann 1 likes 840 plays 0