Search for tag: "ald"

Strategic Foresight

Describes the term and discusses the value of Strategic Foresight to an organization.

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From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 39 plays 0  

How to Play Futurology The Card Game

Explains how to play the Futurology card game.

From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 170 plays 0  

Boundary Spanning Dimensions

Describes the five dimensions (or types) of boundaries that keep us apart.

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From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Boundary Spanning Defined

Defines the term boundary spanning.

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From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Strategies Leaders Can Use to Practice Humility

Describes strategies Defense Acquisition leaders can use to practice humility in the workplace.

+1 More
From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Technology S-curve

Discusses the technology S-curve, a framework for describing the substitution of new technologies for old technologies, and helps explain the forces driving technology and innovation in Defense…

+3 More
From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 1 likes 47 plays 0  

Complex Adaptive Systems

Describes six features of Complex Adaptive Systems

From  Deborah Aceto-Milton 0 likes 72 plays 0  

4.0 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Describes Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory and discusses how it can be used to motivate team members, teammates, colleagues, and subordinates.

+4 More
From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,074 plays 0  

3.0 Introduction to Methods that Motivate

Introduces how motivation works and discusses the importance of employee motivation in the workplace.

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From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,113 plays 0  

2.0 Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Motivators

Discusses the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivators and how each can be applied in the workplace.

+3 More
From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,365 plays 0  

1.0 Introduction to Motivation

Introduces motivation as the cornerstone of an effective team and describes different ways people are motivated.

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From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,206 plays 0  

10.0 What is Relationship Management

Defines “relationship management” and discuss it’s important to one’s role as a Defense Acquisition leader.

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,078 plays 0  

9.0 What is Social Awareness

Defines “social awareness” and discuss it’s important to one’s role as a Defense Acquisition leader.

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,073 plays 0  

8.0 What is Self Management

Defines “self-management” and discuss it’s important to one’s role as a Defense Acquisition leader.

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,007 plays 0  

7.0 What is Self Awareness

Defines “self-awareness” and discuss it’s important to one’s role as a Defense Acquisition leader.

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 1,024 plays 0  

6.0 Introduction to the Four Domains of Emotional Intelligence

Introduces the four domains of emotional intelligence.

+1 More
From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 972 plays 0