Search for tag: "bcf 250"

Basics on Software Development Paradigms

While there are many software development paradigms, DoD uses mainly waterfall and agile, to describe the processes to be used in acquisition management. This video is aimed at providing…

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From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 550 plays 0  

Regression and Model Selection

This is intended as a refresher in basic regression and model selection for cost estimating courses beyond the introductory courses. The video uses data that has 3 potential cost drivers and then…

+7 More
From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 187 plays 0  

Software Development

This video is a quick, high level view of the software development process as it applies to software acquisition within DoD. The intent is to present enough information so that BCF 250 "Software…

From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 191 plays 0  

What is software

This is a quick introduction to software for those that do not write software for a living and only need an introduction to some terms and relationships. It is intended as an introduction for the BCF…

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From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 107 plays 0  

Calculating Software Schedules

This video is intended for use in BCF250 Software Cost Estimating. It is a quick explanation of how to transform the results of an effort equation into an approximation of the calendar duration for…

From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 89 plays 0  

Calculating software effort from ESLOC

This is the BCF250 "Software Cost Estimating" demonstration of the Excel steps needed to take the Final ESLOC estimate and convert it into an effort number. This uses only Excel for the…

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From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 230 plays 0  

Calculating Linear Code Growth

This is a help aid for the BCF 250 course on Software Cost Estimating. This tutorial is a repeat of the in-class exercise on calculating a linear regression on the code growth from the initial size…

From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 119 plays 0  

Calculating ESLOC

This video shows how to start with Source Lines of Code (SLOC) and using the Adaptation Adjustment Factor (AAF) to calculate Equivalent SLOC (ESLOC) values. The intent of this video was to recreate…

From  Aaron Thomas 0 likes 1,045 plays 0