Search for tag: "efficiency"

GAO Highlights - Service Contract Efficiencies

Services performed by contractors, such as administrative and technical support, account for about half of the Department of Defense’s contract obligations. GAO provides Congress and federal…

From  Shawna Campbell 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Agile Acquisition 101

Version 5 (30Jul2022) - Dr. Matt Kennedy, describes the basics of Agile Acquisition in a Federal Government environment. He defines Agile Acquisition. Under Agile Acquisition, we provide a more…

From  Michael Mcenery 4 likes 4,038 plays 0  

Agile Acquisition 101

Version 5 (30Jul2022) - Dr. Matt Kennedy, describes the basics of Agile Acquisition in a Federal Government environment. He defines Agile Acquisition. Under Agile Acquisition, we provide a more…

From  Robert Skertic 1 likes 1,430 plays 0