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Basic terminology used in Earned Value Management (EVM).

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From  Matthew Haight 0 likes 876 plays 0  

Agile Acquisition: Creating an Effective Ecosystem

Section 843 of the 2018 NDAA calls for improvement in the training of the acquisition workforce. One initiative gaining traction within the Department of Defense is "Agile Acquisition. This…

From  Christen Goulding 0 likes 190 plays 0  

Earned Value Technique (Percent Start - Percent Finish)

Earned Value Technique (Percent Start - Percent Finish) video from EVM101

From  Matthew Haight 0 likes 413 plays 0  

Major Programs: Test & Evaluation

Professor Gary Hagan discusses T&E associated with large DoD Programs.

From  Media Archive 0 likes 154 plays 0  

ISA201 Lesson 5 Measurement Homework

Cheryl Jones, DoD SME for SW Measurement, provides a summary of the ISA101 and Practical Software and Systems Measurement (PSM) for Lesson 5, ISA201.

From  Robert Skertic 0 likes 83 plays 0  

Hirsch Research Paper Competition 2017

Waelchli: Lecture / Announcement in Hirsch Research Paper Competition for 2017. Using Analytical Hierarchy and Analytical Network Processes to Create Cyber Security Metrics, George C. Wilamowski,…

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From  Larrie Ferreiro 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Basic EVM Part 2

DAU Professor, Matt Ambrose demonstrates basic EVM principles and calculations using a simple ditch digging example. (Part 2)

From  Shannon Seay 0 likes 2,689 plays 0