Search for tag: "building prototypes"

Echo - Taking an ACAT 1 program from an idea without staffing or funding to delivering the first product in 18 months.

In this Echo episode of "Acquisition Practices Worth Emulating" COL Rich Haggerty discusses how his team when charged with an ACAT 1 program without either defined requirements, staffing…

From  Ivan Teper 1 likes 138 plays 0  

Defense Panel Discussion on Middle Tier of Acquisition

Ben FitzGerald, the Director of Strategy and Design in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, interviews Dr. Bruce Jette, Assistant Secretary of the Army for…

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From  Sam Parks 4 likes 7,995 plays 0  

OTA Basics

Ms. Diane Sidebottom provides a basic overview of OTAs. NOTE: This session was recorded in 2018 and has been retained for its historical significance. There have been significant changes since this…

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From  Kristine Kassekert 0 likes 2,289 plays 4  

Using Other Transactions

NOTE: This video, recorded by Ms. Diane Sidebottom in 2018, is available for its historical significance. Viewers should be aware that there have been significant changes to the statute (including…

From  Kristine Kassekert 2 likes 493 plays 1  

Major Programs: Test & Evaluation

Professor Gary Hagan discusses T&E associated with large DoD Programs.

From  Media Archive 0 likes 158 plays 0  

Additive Manufacturing Lesson 5.2

In this lecture we focus on the common uses to which AM is put along path I for our three key industries. We recognize the strong common focus of these industries on applications related to…

From  Karla Oconnor 0 likes 295 plays 0  

Acquisition Moment: The Acquisition Lifecycle Explained with S'mores

A basic and brief description of the acquisition life cycle. Now with s'mores!

From  Alvin Lee 15 likes 11,617 plays 17