Search for tag: "mentoringmoments"

Mentoring Moments: Motivation - It's Not What YOU Think

Motivating people is a skill the best leaders have mastered. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but an exercise in learning about the people you work with to better understand what drives their…

From  Karla Oconnor 0 likes 91 plays 0  

Mentoring Moments: Change Management - Tips for Success

Organizational change is inevitable. Effectively managing change is critical to decrease mission impacts during the implementation of new systems or processes. This webinar will include discussions…

From  Karla Oconnor 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Mentoring Moments - Taking Advantage of Civilian Development Education (CDE) Opportunities

During this 3-Part Webinar series we will be going through Acquisition Review process through the lenses of 6 P's (Premise, Partnerships, Policies, Perspective, Process, and Practice). This…

From  Sarah Bassil 0 likes 107 plays 0