Search for tag: "navsup"

NAVSUP WSS Secrets to Success Navy Price Fighters Cost Avoidance in Contracting 2.14.23

Description: Join us to learn about the Navy Price Fighters, a division of NAVSUP WSS, and how they can help you achieve cost avoidance in contracting. The Navy Price Fighters division is a diverse…

From  Emmett Simmons 1 likes 232 plays 0  

NAVSUP WSS Secrets to Success International Programs 11.09.22

Description: NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support International Programs provides support to more than 80 countries around the world. The team delivers program and logistics support capabilities to our…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 114 plays 0  

NAVSUP WSS Secrets to Success - Performance Based Logistics 101 2.8.22

Description: Want to learn about performance-based logistics topics like: incentives, metrics, management and contracting strategies? Learn from an expert in the field. Performance Based Logistics…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 326 plays 0  

Performance Based Logistics Success Story (Audio Podcast)

DAU's Betsy Lederer leads a roundtable discussion about Performance Based Logistics, joined by Larry Garvey of NAVSUP WSS and Jeff Heron of NAVAIR. To view our COMPANION VIDEO, click here:…

From  James Wilkerson 1 likes 230 plays 0  

Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) Success Story

Betsy Lederer (DAU) leads a roundtable discussion with Larry Garvey (NAVSUP) and Jeff Heron (NAVAIR) about the success that Performance Based Logistics has afforded the DoD. To listen to the FULL…

From  James Wilkerson 0 likes 956 plays 0