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2023 Day 2 Session 1 - Acq Update Address DAW by Pres Woolsey and Back-to-Basics Update by Scott Bauer Video

2023 Acquistion Update: Day 2 Session 1 Address to the Acquisition Workforce by President Jim Woolsey and Back-to-Basics Update by Scott Bauer

From  Sara Vazquez 0 likes 106 plays 0  

Back-to-Basics: Business-Financial Management

The modernized framework focuses on the core knowledge and experience needed to provide financial management expertise throughout the DoD budget and financial management processes and introduces…

From  Scott Wortman 0 likes 206 plays 0  

Back-to-Basics: Business-Cost Estimating

The modernized framework focuses on the core knowledge and experience needed to provide acquisition cost estimating capability and introduces responsive and timely learning assets in the form of…

From  Scott Wortman 0 likes 137 plays 0  

Back-to-Basics: T&E

The Department of Defense is modernizing its implementation of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act to better align its acquisition workforce resources. The updated certification…

From  Scott Wortman 1 likes 355 plays 0  

Back-to-Basics: Program Management

On September 2, 2020, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment launched "Back-to-Basics" initiative to bring the implementation of Defense Acquisition Workforce…

From  Scott Wortman 0 likes 1,233 plays 1  

Back-to-Basics: Engineering and Technical Management

The Department of Defense is modernizing its implementation of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act to better align its acquisition workforce resources. The updated certification…

From  Scott Wortman 3 likes 1,178 plays 0  

Back-to-Basics: Contracting

On September 2, 2020, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment launched “Back-to-Basics” to bring the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act of 1990 into the…

From  Scott Wortman 2 likes 5,758 plays 0  

Getting Back-to-Basics

As DoD continues to modernize DAWIA implementation, the Back-to-Basics framework aligns the acquisition workforce to better focus our resources. The updated framework will significantly empower the…

From  Scott Wortman 10 likes 14,541 plays 0