Search for tag: "cost accounting"

Cost Accounting Standards/Forward Pricing Rate Agreements Office Hours 6.27.24

Cost Accounting Standards/Forward Pricing Rate Agreements Office Hours (CAS/FPR)s Office Hours with DCMA and CCM, a discussion of various CAS and FPRA topics with Frank Colandro from the…

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Cost Accounting Standards Forward Pricing Rate Agreements Office Hours

DAU, College of Contract Management(CCM) Quarterly Office Hours, with CCM Professors of Contracting focused on Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and Forward Pricing Rates (inclusive of Cost and Rate…

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 83 plays 0  

CCON 010 - Special Topics in Contract Pricing Credential

In this episode of Contracting Conversations, Scott and Jim talk Kurt Chelf and Judy Whalen, DAU's Learning Asset Managers for the courses under CCON 010, Special Topics in Contract Pricing…

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From  James Valley 0 likes 83 plays 0  

Cost Assessment Data Enterprise CADE for Acquisitions 10.28.20

This webcast will discuss how the Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDRs) in Cost Assessment Data Enterprise (CADE) can be used to inform crucial decisions about system design and program…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 130 plays 0  

CostTech_Matt Ambrose

DAU Professor Matt Ambrose describes the four main cost estimating techniques used in Department of Defense Acquisition. He covers the analogy, parametric, engineering and actual cost methods of cost…

From  Shannon Seay 0 likes 168 plays 0  

TAD FPRP Model Part One

FPRP Walkthrough Part One

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 249 plays 0  


Overview of the DCMA FPRP/FPRA/FPRR CMO Team

From  Scott Sturgill 0 likes 87 plays 0  


Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT) Cost Estimation (ARRT-CE) used to prepare the Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE)

From  Adam Stroup 0 likes 446 plays 0  

Joint Strike Fighter: Cost Estimating and Cost Control

Lessons learned from the Joint Strike Fighter, JSF, Program Executive Officer on Cost Estimating and Cost Controls.

From  Adam Stroup 1 likes 277 plays 0  

Cost Estimating Methods

DAU Professor Matt Ambrose describes the four main cost estimating methods used in Department of Defense acquisition. He covers the analogy, parametric, engineering and actual cost methods of cost…

+8 More
From  Shannon Seay 3 likes 5,535 plays 1