Search for tag: "online learning"

Self-Regulated Learning 11.10.20

This will be an open-forum discussion of the Defense Acquisition Magazine Article titled "Self-Regulated Learning - The Contracting Specialist's Superpower." The article authors,…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 60 plays 0  

DAU West Region Welcome - Dean Kevin Carman

A brief introduction narrated by the Dean of DAU West Region, Dr. Kevin Carman. DAU West Region is focused on workforce professional development and improving; acquisition outcomes; through close…

From  Chad Reynolds 0 likes 456 plays 0  

EP015: Karen Hyder on The Virtual Classroom

We speak with virtual training expert, Karen Hyder about the virtual classroom, its opportunities and challenges.

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From  Media Archive 0 likes 299 plays 0  

EP012: Sam Rogers on The New Breed

Podcasts. Video. eBooks... So many ways to serve content and inspire learning these days. We sit down with learning consultant and media expert, Sam Rogers, to talk about "the new breed",…

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From  Media Archive 0 likes 95 plays 0  

EP011: Joseph DiPietro on Technology-Mediated Instruction, Part 2

The Learning Circle concludes its discussion with Dr. Joseph DiPietro on technology-mediated instruction. Part 2.

From  Media Archive 0 likes 16 plays 0  

EP010: Joseph DiPietro on Technology-Mediated Instruction, Part 1

What's to be gained by mixing digital and traditional methods of instruction? The Learning Circle talks technology-mediated instruction with Dr. Joseph DiPietro. Part 1.

From  Media Archive 0 likes 22 plays 0