Search for tag: "requirements management"

RQM 2100 Welcome Video, v4.5

This welcome video applies to the DAU online course RQM 2100, Application Skills for Requirements Managers. All other versions of this video are obsolete.

From  Jack Mohney 0 likes 69 plays 0  

AIRC-DAU Quarterly Research Forum Improving the DOD Requirements Process 3.13.23

Description: The Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) principal investigators will present their research findings and recommendations on the Requirements Definition process in Defense…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Requirements and Stakeholder Management Process

Description:All sizes of business enterprises in our modern world are confronted with increasing levels of complexity. Organizations, from large to small, are bombarded with competing priorities…

From  Bernadette Crumb 0 likes 71 plays 0  


URGENT ACQUISITIONS - A JUON Case Study - Full Video - 29 minutes - June 2019. Introduction - Phase 1 - Process Overview and Requirements Development. Phase 2 - Sponsor Assignment and Team Building.…

From  Gregory Prothero 1 likes 5,160 plays 0  

URGENT ACQUISITIONS - A JUON Case Study - Phase 5 - Fielding

Rapid Acquisition Phase #5 - Powerful Example-June 2019 Expedited Fielding of Solutions - Sustainment and Final Disposition

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 262 plays 0  

URGENT ACQUISITIONS - A JUON Case Study -Phase 4 - Solution Development

Phase 4 Counter UAS Rapid Acquisition - June 2019 Solution Development

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 268 plays 0  

URGENT ACQUISITIONS - A JUON Case Study - Phase 3 - Rapid Funding

Counter UAS Phase 3 Powerful Example - June 2019 Rapid Funding and Solution Acquisition

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 300 plays 0  

URGENT ACQUISITIONS - A JUON Case Study - Phase 2 - Sponsor Assignment and Team Building

Counter UAS Phase 2 - Powerful Example June 2019 Sponsor Assignment and Team Building

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 351 plays 0  


Counter UAS Phase 1 - Powerful Example - June 2019 Process Overview and Requirements Development

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 432 plays 0  


Counter UAS - Powerful Example - June 2019

From  Gregory Prothero 0 likes 401 plays 0  

Requirements Managers Best Practices Tip#2 Optimizing the RM PM Relationship

Requirements Managers Best Practices Series, Tip #2, Optimizing the Program Manager (PM) and Requirements Manager (RM) relationship. Steve Blasch, Professor of Requirements Management, Defense…

From  Ivan Teper 0 likes 248 plays 0  

Requirements Managers Best Practices-Tip #1-Knowing Requirements History and Rationale

Requirements Managers Best Practices_Tip #1_Knowing Requirements History and Rationale. Video by Stephen Blasch, Professor of Requirements Management, Defense Acquisition University

From  Ivan Teper 1 likes 400 plays 0  

Introduction to Joint DOTmLPFP Change Recommendations DCRs

This video discusses Joint DCRs and the options they present for Requirements Managers to tackle capability gaps. Here is the link to the slides in the video.

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From  Ivan Teper 1 likes 630 plays 0  

Exponential Reliability Plot Simulation

This video provides instructions on how to use the Exponential Reliability Plot Simulation.

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From  Media Archive 1 likes 151 plays 0