The guest speaker for today’s session Mr. Scott Davis,
who serves as the Vice President for Ground Vehicles, Combat Mission Systems,
BAE. He is responsible for directing and
leading the design, development, and manufacture of combat vehicles systems for
the Army and other international customers.
Prior to that, he served as the vice president for Combat Vehicles and
Armaments at Cypress International, Inc. Additionally, he worked as an Army
civilian for 31 years including two past assignments as a Program Executive
Officer for Ground Combat Systems and the PEO for Combat Support and Combat
Service Support. He also served in the U.S. Army Reserves retiring at the rank
of Colonel.
Mr. Davis will share his insights on the challenges facing
DOD, execution of Army acquisition programs and interaction between DOD and industry,
workforce development, and experiences from his time as an Army officer and from
his deployment to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.