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Leading Acquisition Series Mindfulness Keeping Your Cool in a Stressed-Out World 8.4.21

Description: Between our work life and our home life, we all deal with stress. And, we all have different ways of dealing with it by either ignoring it or pushing through it. Chronic stress disrupts…

From  Emmett Simmons 0 likes 223 plays 0  

7.0 Building Habits

Discusses why habits are useful and the best way to form a new habit.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 2,809 plays 0  

9.0 Guided Meditation

Provides a guided meditation to scan for tension, release the tension, and replace it with relaxation.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 4,903 plays 0  

8.0 Introduction to Guided Meditation

Discusses how to prepare yourself for a guided meditation.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 2,951 plays 0  

6.0 Power of Meditation

Discusses why techniques that focus and calm the mind allow people to perform better and make them less likely to overreact to incoming stimulation.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 2,980 plays 0  

5.0 Cave Man Mind

Introduces the Cave Man Mind and how it manifests itself in our behavior.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 3,392 plays 0  

2.0 Mindfulness and VUCA

Discusses how the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world we live in triggers stress and is directly related to why we lose our equanimity.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 4,011 plays 0  

1.0 Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduces Mindfulness as the ability to practice simple, meditative techniques to stay calm, clear, and connected - regardless of the circumstances.

From  Eileen Preisser 1 likes 2,178 plays 0  

4.0 Mindfulness Part 1b

This video discusses the benefits of practicing mindfulness - the ability to be aware, without judgment, of our thoughts and feelings in any given moment, and to be able to choose the ones that will…

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 3,304 plays 0  

3.0 Mindfulness Part 1a

This video discusses practicing mindfulness - simple, meditative techniques to stay calm, clear, and connected, regardless of the circumstances.

From  Eileen Preisser 0 likes 3,573 plays 0